Carl Michaels, am 11. März 1944 in Olpe / Westfalen geboren , wächst mit zwei Geschwistern in einem bürgerlichen Elternhaus auf. Carl Michaels übersiedelt zusammen mit der Familie später in’s Rheinland, nach Troisdorf. In dieser Zeit lernt er seine erste Frau, die Mutter seiner beiden Töchter kennen, hier erreicht ihn die Einberufung zur Bundeswehr und hier heiratet er auch. Den erlernten Beruf des Kaufmanns übt er nur aus, um seiner Familie ein komfortables Leben bieten zu können. Seine Sehnsucht gilt, und das nicht erst seitdem er in den Verei- nigten Staaten war, dem Blues, dem

Carl Michaels was born on March 11th, 1944 in Olpe / Westphalia, a small town in West Germany. He grew up there with his younger brother and sister before moving with his family to Troisdorf, an industrial city located in the Rhineland. Listening to Rock & Roll plus Rhythm & Blues played on the Allied occupation forces’ radio stations developed in him a love for this music that has lasted all his life. Blues, Swing-Jazz, Rock & Roll, R & B, and Soul are his favorite styles of music, i.e. by Ray Charles along with the great compositions of George Gershwin. His deep, burning desire to absorb more and to perform such music led him to America in 1963. After listening around some, and “sitting in” on a few sessions, he managed to connect as guitarist with a hot local band that was taking off. It seemed that his dreams of a career in music were coming true. Unfortunately, the German draft board had other ideas, and they called him home

Soul, Swing-Jazz, R&B, Rock’n’Roll sowie den Kompositionen von Gershwin und Ray Charles. Aus Sorge um das Wohl seiner Familie verzichtet Carl Michaels aber darauf, Berufsmusiker zu werden und tingelt stattdessen als Gitarrist und Sänger mit den verschiedenen regionalen Bands durch Säle und Bars der Umgebung. Das Scheitern der Ehe und der unbezwingbare Drang, seine Kreativität auszuleben, lassen dann doch noch eintreten, was nicht zu verhindern war. Carl Michaels widmet sich ab jetzt voll und ganz seiner Kunst, dem Schreiben und dem Komponieren. Den notwendigen Rückhalt erfährt er von

 in 1964 to fulfill his military service obligation. During this period of time, he met and married his first wife They started a family that eventually included two daughters, Mona and Moira. With such responsibilities, he was forced to forsake full time pursuit of his musical career in order to provide his family with
a secure, comfortable lifestyle. After
professional business training, he found employment as a sales manager in the plastics business, and life went on. But even though it seemed that he might have found a successful career in business, there was still burning deep inside of him that desire to perform music. On nights and weekends he played gigs as a guitarist and singer with local bands in the ballrooms and bars of the Bonn-Cologne area.  However, while helping satisfy his musical soul, such double demands upon his time
took an inevitible toll on his home
life, and this finally led to a breakup of

carl michaels
musiker  musician
komponist   composer
autor  writer
kontakt   impressum
freunde  friends

seiner zweiten Frau, Helen. Ihr und seinen beiden Töchtern Mona und Moira widmet er dann auch seinen ersten Roman Oruzanien.

the marriage. But, having reached that sad end anyway despite his serious commitment to the income and security of a fulltime “day job”, he finally decided to just follow the creative urges that had been calling him. Since that time, Carl Michaels has devoted his life to his art, writing lyrics and composing songs for concept albums or musical narratives. Encouraged by his second wife Helen, he has now also become an author. His first novel, Oruzanien, is based upon his musical fantasy of the same name. It was dedicated to Helen, as well as to his daughters Mona and Moira. Three songs from Oruzanien have been released on the CD Songs of Carl Micheals Vol 1 so with publication of the novel, he has united his artistic talents as a performing musician, a composer, and an author.